First Photo Shoot at the Necropolis

More of my first shoot.
Back in university when I was traveling up in the Arctic as part as my work studies I brought a second hand Pentax SLR. After graduation I started work at a geophysical survey instrument company, see the world young man. I kept the camera for about 7 years and took many trays of slides in exotic off the tourist path, the Arctic, Iran, Russia ... While I was in Brazil as all imported goods at that time had 150% import duties I sold the Pentax for more then I paid for it.The problem with a camera when travelling was and still is that it is a target for thieves, you always have to watch them so for many years I was without a camera.
In 1995 while in Japan to give a speech on medical image processing I brought a Olympus L-10 SLR camera, the automatic type that has a built in 28-110 zoom lense. I used this camera to take typical business tourist pictures in countries in Europe and in Thailand.

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